Family Medicine

At ALTRUS Cancer Center, we offer a comprehensive and complementary family medicine care model to all our patients. Every patient is cared for by our team of specialists and are generally referred to our family doctor. In this way it is possible to complement the treatments and improve their care. That is why the patients at ALTRUS receive personalized therapy with the active participation of their relatives and doctors.

What is family medicine?

Family medicine is one of the most complete specialties as it plays a preventive role, of diagnosis and treatment, not only in the biological field but also psychological and social sphere.

What does the family doctor do?

The family doctor seeks to provide professional attention to any pathology. With constant teamwork and the support of relatives and specialist doctors, they provide quality attention that the patient and the family deserves. A family doctor maintains a state of communication towards the whole family. 

Besides, they seek for a timely solution, optimizing the patient’s time and available resources, to offer the best to the patient and their family.

What are their goals?

Promote the attention to the fundamental support network during the process of sickness of the patient and their family to face the disease and identify the factors of protection and risk. 

Guide and support the family at each stage, guaranteeing a warm, respectful and supportive care.

Provide continuous, comprehensive and individualized care for each member of the family, as well as a whole.